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I am a teacher specialising in Geography and Religious Studies with over 4 years experience to date. I pride myself on designing lessons that engages students in their learning, with an enquiry-based focus being at the forefront. Any lesson that you download is fully resourced and differentiated ready to use in a flash. I hope they make a real contributing to your own classroom like they have done to mine.




I am a teacher specialising in Geography and Religious Studies with over 4 years experience to date. I pride myself on designing lessons that engages students in their learning, with an enquiry-based focus being at the forefront. Any lesson that you download is fully resourced and differentiated ready to use in a flash. I hope they make a real contributing to your own classroom like they have done to mine.
Should People Have The Right To Die

Should People Have The Right To Die

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson which acts as an introduction to euthanasia. The main part of the lesson involves a match-up task on the different types of euthanasia, a colour coding exercise on the secular arguments for and against euthanasia, then finally a group exercise where students have to produce a short newspaper article where they use the arguments to try to convince the other half of the class (the public) that Frankie Dunn was right/wrong in helping Maggie to die (scenario based on the movie 'Million Dollar Baby'. Learning Objectives: To describe the different types of euthanasia. To explain non-religious arguments for and against the morality of euthanasia. To analyse which side you believe presents the strongest argument.
What Are The Problems With Miracles

What Are The Problems With Miracles

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the problems associated with miracles, focusing on those from David Hume. The main part of the lesson involves students summarising them into their notes and using those as a basis, linked to a case study, to produce an advertising campaign designed to convince people that miracles simply do not happen. Learning Objectives: To explain why David Hume argues miracles are impossible. To apply his arguments to a real world case study. To express your personal view towards his criticisms.
What Miracles Can Be Found In The Old Testament

What Miracles Can Be Found In The Old Testament

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on miracles from the Old Testament. The main part of the lesson focuses on the '10 Plagues' miracle, where students watch a clip and record the plagues in their exercise book, discuss and make notes as a class why it is important for Christians (and the potential problems), then finally create a survival kit for the '10 Plagues' if it were to happen in the modern day. To describe one example of a miracle from the Bible. To explain why Christians see it as important. To investigate its use as proof of the existence of God.
What Miracles Can Be Found In The New Testament

What Miracles Can Be Found In The New Testament

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the miracles in the New Testament, in particular the 'Feeding of the 5000'. The main part of the lesson involves discussing in detail the different views people may hold towards miracles, after which students create a newspaper article explaining different viewpoints (as if they were there) towards the miracle. Learning Objectives: To describe different viewpoints towards Biblical miracles. To explain how these viewpoints could link to one New Testament miracle. To assess how credible you believe the miracle to be.
Was The 'Miracle Of The Sun' Actually A Miracle

Was The 'Miracle Of The Sun' Actually A Miracle

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the 'Miracle of the Sun', otherwise known as the Fatima miracle. The main part of the lesson involves reading the story as a class and summarising it into a grid, a pair ranking task of arguments for and against the event being a genuine miracle, and a continuum line task where students express their view towards the event. Learning Objectives: To describe the story of the miracle. To explain the contrasting arguments held about the event. To evaluate whether you personally believe the event was a miracle.
What's The Age?

What's The Age?

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the legal age limits in the UK. The main part of the lesson involves students completing a worksheet detailing the age limits for different activities in the UK and them explaining whether they believe they are appropriate or not, and why. To outline the legal age limits for activities in the UK. To explain your opinion towards the appropriateness of these limits. To explore what you consider to be age appropriate limits.
What Are Ultimate Questions

What Are Ultimate Questions

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson which acts as an introduction to the idea of 'Ultimate Questions'. The main part of the lesson involves students working in pairs to generate their own examples of ultimate questions (using stimuli to help), a class viewpoint sharing task (which could be done as a silent conversation), and a written reflection task at the end where they evaluate various viewpoints towards one ultimate question. Learning Objectives are as follows: To describe examples of ‘ultimate questions’. To explain different viewpoints towards some of these questions. To express a reasoned and balanced viewpoint to one of these questions.
Where Are Our Moral Values From

Where Are Our Moral Values From

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the origin of our moral values. The main part of the lesson involves a discussion task on what moral values are and different examples, and a class mindmap task on the sources of our morality. Learning Objectives: To describe the importance of moral values. To explain where we get our moral values from. To analyse how these can affect the way you act in life.
OCR AS Philosophy - The Existence Of God (Theme 2)

OCR AS Philosophy - The Existence Of God (Theme 2)

4 Resources
This contains a set of fully resourced, differentiated lessons on arguments for the existence of God to cover the OCR AS Philosophy specification for Theme 2 - The Existence Of God. It was taught in the following order: What Is The Teleological Argument? How Can The Teleological Argument Be Challenged? What Is The Cosmological Argument? What Is The Ontological Argument? Does The Ontological Argument Work?
OCR AS Philosophy Complete Syllabus

OCR AS Philosophy Complete Syllabus

18 Resources
This contains a set of fully resourced, differentiated lessons to cover the entire OCR AS Philosophy syllabus. Theme 1 - Philosophical Language And Thought It was taught in the following order: What Is Plato’s Analogy Of The Cave? How Valid Is Plato’s Analogy Of The Cave? What Is Plato’s Theory Of The Forms? What Are Aristotle’s Four Causes? What Is Aristotle’s Prime Mover? How Did Plato Distinguish Between The Body And Soul? How Did Aristotle Distinguish Between The Body And Soul? How Did Descartes Distinguish Between The Mind And Soul? Theme 2 - The Existence Of God It was taught in the following order: What Is The Teleological Argument? How Can The Teleological Argument Be Challenged? What Is The Cosmological Argument? What Is The Ontological Argument? Does The Ontological Argument Work? Theme 3 - God And The World It was taught in the following order: What Are Religious Experiences? Do Religious Experiences Prove The Existence of God? How Can The Validity Of Religious Experiences Be Challenged? How Is The Problem Of Evil A Challenge To The Existence Of God? Does The Augustinian Theodicy Solve The Problem Of Evil? Does The Irenaean Theodicy Solve The Problem Of Evil?
Aquinas and Analogy

Aquinas and Analogy

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on why and how Aquinas believed analogy provided the only meaningful way to describe God. It contains a series of short discussion and written exercises to meet the following objectives: To outline why Aquinas rejected the use of using univocal and equivocal language to describe God. To explain why Aquinas believed analogy could help us to describe God. To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this approach.
OCR AS Philosophy Model Essays

OCR AS Philosophy Model Essays

This contains a set of model essays that can be used to support the delivery of the OCR AS Philosophy syllabus. Students could highlight and annotate its strengths and make suggestions for improvements as a task, or alternatively simply use it as a revision aid.
What are your attitudes to money

What are your attitudes to money

This lesson focuses on people's attitudes to money, then explores their own. It is a lesson that can be taught on its own, or as part of a wider unit on wealth and poverty.
How successful is the verification principle?

How successful is the verification principle?

This 50 minute lesson addresses A.J. Ayer's response to criticism from his strong and weak verification in the form of direct and indirect verification, then explores the strengths and weaknesses of the verification principle. In the plenary an evaluation of its relative success is discussed. Constructive feedback would be a bonus.


This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on charities. This contains a set of activities to meet the following objectives: To describe what a charity is. To explain the reasons why people give money to charity. To evaluate whether it is any less moral to give money to charities abroad than at home. This resource has been adapted from an excellent resource by 'Charity Choice' which can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/charity-choice-1-hour-citizenship-lesson-plan-6051322
The Via Negativa

The Via Negativa

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the via negativa. The main part of the lesson involves a set of discussion tasks and short written tasks to understand how the via negativa works, from which they then produce fact files on how three different scholars (including Aquinas) have contributed to the argument, leading to an evaluation task where students generate their own arguments for and against the via negativa 'providing the only the true way to understand God'. Some ideas have been borrowed from other contributions on TES, to whom I am very grateful. Learning Objectives: To describe how the Via Negativa approach works. To explain how scholars have supported this approach to describing God. To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach.
What Are Religious Experiences

What Are Religious Experiences

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on religious experiences aimed predominantly at KS3 students. I have adapted previous material uploaded onto TES and included some of my own also. Learning Objectives: To describe the different types of religious experience. To assess the evidence for religious experiences. To evaluate whether or not they provide convincing proof for the existence of God.
The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

A lesson on the Four Noble Truths that aims to take a different direction to other lessons posted on TES. It focuses on whether they adequately explain why there is suffering in the world. Please comment for feedback.
How the Media influences our ideas

How the Media influences our ideas

This lesson focuses on the different ways in the mass media influences our values, whether that be in a positive or negative manner. This is designed to take place over two 50-minute lessons.